Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Week In Review

Oh my goodness it has been quite the week. I have traveled the onerous changing of time zones, long drives, late nights and far too much stimuli. Waco; San Antonio; Dallas; Lubbock; Albuquerque; Phoenix; Barstow; San Diego---a cavorting quest across the savage desert of the United States. In each and every city we have played I have had the honor of seeing good friends, making the distance I feel being away from home tolerable. Waco was a great show; a warehouse packed full of enthusiastic kids who danced about the floor like carnival acts. I spent 2 days at my brother’s house in Austin, joyously playing with his gargantuan Labrador and devouring the lavish feasts from some of my favorite restaurants in the country. We visited the Alamo, stayed awake until the wee hours in Dallas playing beer pong, had a relaxing day off in Lubbock with friend, partied on the 3OH!3 bus in New Mexico, got in an accident with a distrait semi truck driver, munched on massive pizza pies in Phoenix with our amazing friend PJ, met the members of duck duck goose in Barstow who kindly housed all 3 bands, and ventured into the locale of southern California to play a house show that was published in the local newspaper. It really is too much to tell. This is one of the seldom times where I cannot convey my brain operation through my fingertips. I am sorry. But one day I will be telling these stories to my grandchildren in front of a fireplace with steaming hot chocolate and a dog asleep at my feet. Until then, ask questions and I will answer them in a staggered manner. Mahalo
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